A variety of flours for breads with character
We offer a complete range of exceptional organic flours, pure or blended, for bread or pastry, millstone-ground or cylinder-ground and available in a variety of packaging.
Flours on natural flint millstones, unique and ancestral expertise
At Minoterie Suire, we’ve learned to reconcile authenticity and tradition by automating our organic mill. We can meet our customer quality requirements and satisfy the growing demand for premium, more nutritious products.

A family history of commitment
Minoterie Suire is above all a story of two families coming together. Originally based in Montaigu, the mill was a pioneer in the production of organic flours. In the 1980s, the Girardeau family approached the Suire family and bought the mill, which was already equipped with stone millstones. Today, Minoterie Suire has been relocated to our historic mill on the banks of the River Sèvre. We’re delighted to be continuing this tradition by producing top-quality organic flours for our customers, and promoting the development of the organic sector.
Your testimonials
For over 40 years, we’ve been supporting our customers throughout France and beyond, offering them high-quality organic flours and helping them to create the products they want.
Latest news
Good stone-milled flours: 4 reasons to choose them
Lire la suite: Good stone-milled flours: 4 reasons to choose them