Minoterie Suire > Our organic flours

Our organic flours

We offer craft bakers and baking professionals a wide range of organic flours with incomparable nutritional and taste qualities. Obtained through our rigorous and demanding sourcing work, we have been making our flours on natural flint millstones and cylinders since 1979. Pure or mixed, bread-making or pastry-making, our creations are conceived and designed to meet our customers’ and consumers’ demands for quality and diversity. We select organically grown grains.

Our flours in the spotlight

The benefits of grinding stone flour?

A full article on preserved nutrients and the benefits for professionals and your customers alike.

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Our range of flours

The specifications for our organic flours

Discover the requirements and constraints of the specifications specifically linked to organic flours…

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Would you like to try our flours?

Depending on your needs, our teams can help you implement, develop or create new flours. Don’t hesitate to contact them.